KFM – Woodlawn land Map Versions for Roblox

KFM – Woodlawn land Map Versions for Roblox

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Exploring KFM – Woodlawn Land Map Versions: A Roblox Mod.

Roblox has been a hub for creative minds to craft unique gaming experiences, and one such endeavor was the creation of the “Woodlawn Land” map for a Kirby-themed game. Unfortunately, it was taken down in April 2021 due to third-party copyright issues. In this article, we’ll delve into KFM – Woodlawn Land Map Versions, a collection that preserves the essence of this beloved map.

What is KFM?

KFM stands for Roblox Kirby Fan-Made, and it’s a compilation of various versions of the Woodlawn Land map used in a Kirby game on Roblox. The project has stripped away all game source coding to prevent unauthorized recreations and potential legal issues.

The Seasonal Variants:

This collection includes four different versions of the Woodlawn Land map, each with its unique seasonal charm. Players can explore the Christmas and Halloween variants, immersing themselves in the festivities of these holidays. Additionally, the Legacy version of the map is also available, providing a glimpse into the original design.

  • Why was the Kirby game taken down?
    The Kirby game on Roblox was removed due to third-party copyright concerns, which are common issues in fan-made projects that use copyrighted characters or content.
  • Can I recreate the game with these maps?
    It's strongly advised not to attempt to recreate the game using these maps to avoid potential legal consequences. The original creator has taken precautions to prevent such actions.
  • Are there more maps from this game available?
    The article hints at the possibility of more maps being uploaded in the future, depending on the interest of the Roblox community.
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License: Free
KFM – Woodlawn land Map Versions for Roblox
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KFM – Woodlawn land Map Versions for Roblox
17 September 2023 5
KFM – Woodl...

Exploring KFM – Woodlawn Land Map Version...